There are two options for synchronized playback using DC Media:
1. Synchronized zones on the same player
2. Player synchronization across a network
Synchronized zones on the same player
You can synchronized playback across all zones by setting the playlist sync mode to Zone sync. To do this in the CMS, click the Zone Properties button in the playlist editor:
and then select Zone Sync from the Synced drop down list:
This will ensure that each zone plays through the asset list in step with the other zones. Please note: this feature requires equal length content in each zone, otherwise you will experience black zones whilst the longest item of content plays to it's end.
Player synchronization across a network
Network Sync uses a network protocol to ensure that all DC Media players on a local area network are synchronized. To use this option, click the Zone Properties button in the playlist editor:
and then select Network Sync from the Synced drop down list:
Save the changes and approve the playlist, the players will download the latest playlist and begin playback in a synchronized fashion (please configure the players as per the section below).
Configuring the players for network sync
add the following section:
master=<ip address of the master PC>
Content requirements for network sync
The controller player will instruct each player to play the next asset by sending the asset filename to each player. The slave players will either play content matching the filename or content matching a sequence ID pattern. For example, if the playlist on the controller contains 3 files:
then all the players must have the same filenames (even though the content may be different) in order to play in sync. The alternative is to use a sequence ID pattern in the asset filename by adding _seq_ to each asset filename. For example, a video that is divided into 4 synchronized segments featuring an airliner flying across all 4 displays can have the following file name's:
the filenames will only be compared up to the _seq_ indicator and in the example above, this will ensure that a match is found. In this example the four players will have the following 4 playlists:
player 1:
player 2:
player 3:
player 4:
in the example above, eagle will play in sync followed by othercontent played in sync.