DC Media Scheduler
DC Media Network Manager
DC Media Player
Important: You may need install the software using a user account with Administrator privileges, don’t be concerned if you are unsure as the installer will detect the required privileges level and inform you if they are insufficient.
- Both the DC Media Player software and the DS Agent software are configured by the installer to run using Start Up shortcuts; this means the software will automatically start when the Player computer is rebooted.
The Player software starts up as the top most application window and maintains this position on the desktop, this means that any other application running on the player will not appear over the Player window. To close the Player and gain access to the computer, press Esc or press Alt-F4 on the keyboard. Depending on the content formats being played, the content itself may take the keyboard focus from the Player application and in the event that Alt-F4 or Esc does not work, please Alt-Tab until the DC Media Player icon is selected and then press Alt-F4.
Important - The DS Agent software is designed to monitor the Player and ensure that the Player is always running. If the Player is shut down the DS Agent will restart it after 15 seconds unless keyboard or mouse activity is detected. You may continue to work on the Player PC however a break in activity for longer than 15 seconds will cause the DS Agent to start the Player application again.
- Important - Ensure that the Windows Firewall is either disabled, or an exception is created for the following TCP ports: 8448 (for file transfer) 9000 (for network monitoring).
In the screenshot above, the left hand side of the application window lists your locations. To create a new location, right click in the left window pane and select Insert. Enter the name of your location and click OK. You don’t have to store your players in separate locations, you can configure them under the All Locations grouping. If you click on a location, the right hand window lists the players in that location, if you click on All Locations, the right hand window lists all the players in your network.
Adding a new Player
Under the General tab, enter a unique name for your player. This name is for display purposes only and does not need to match any network address or hostname.
Under the Networking tab, enter the network address as an IP address or computer name. If you have changed the DFT file transfer host user name and password in the DS Agent configuration then enter the user name and password in this window.
If you have changed the security password in the DS Agent, then click on the Monitoring tab in the Device Properties window and enter the password as shown below:Click OK to store your new player. The player will be listed in your network manager under the location currently selected.

During the screenshot retrieval operation you will see the updated status of the operation at the bottom of the network manager:
If the operation succeeds you will see the message ‘Operation completed successfully’ and you can click on the Screenshots tab to see the latest image.
If the operation fails, the error message will be displayed. The most common causes of failure are:
· Incorrect password
· Incorrect network address
· The Windows Firewall is enabled without an exception for port 9000
· The DS Agent is not running on the remote player
To further manage the player, right click and select Action and you will see a list of operations that can be performed on the player:
Consult the user manual for more information on managing players. The user manual is located in the DC Media installation folder and is called usermanual.pdf
By default the Player software does not require many configuration changes and will function correctly without any configuration changes. To view the player configuration, run the Playerconfig.exe application. This guide will only cover the minimum configuration changes, for all other settings please consult the DC Media operations manual.
Zip Code
If you intend display weather information for your location, enter your zip code in the field provided under the General tab:
Display number
default DC Media will display all content on the first display, if you have
multiple monitors click on the Display
tab and select the display number that you want to DC Media to use.
Video walls
you are display content over multiple monitors for a video wall, enter the
video wall dimensions in the Span across
and Span down fields.
End of getting started guide