1. Accessing your DC Media Cloud CMS account 

Open a web browser and visit https://cloud.dcmediads.com. Enter the email address and password provided in the email you recieved from MediaSight when you signed up. Below are four short instructional videos that show you how to use the web interface (these videos are also available in the web interface under the Welcome tab):

How to upload content:


How to create a digital signage player:


How to create a playlist:


How to assign a playlist to a player:


2. Installing and registering your DC Media Player device

Download and run the Cloud Player installer.  Once you have installed the software and the DC Media Player software runs for the first time, it will connect to the DC Media Cloud CMS and obtain a unique registration code. This code will then be displayed on the screen:

  1. Using your web browser, login to your DC Media Cloud CMS Account
  2. Click on the Network Tab
  3. Click Add Player
  4. Enter a name for your new player and then enter device code that is displayed on the player screen:

Now that you have a Player registered, upload some content under the Content tab. Then create a playlist under the Publish tab and assign the playlist to your player. Within 2 minutes of assigning the playlist to your player you will see the player download the playlist and start playing content.