The DS Agent includes a display monitor for controlling screens using RS232. Before you can configure the software, a RS232 cable must be connected from the media player PC RS232 port to the RS232 port on the display back panel. Ensure that you have the correct table and wiring configuration as detailed in your display's operations manual.

To access the display monitor:

1. Run the DS Agent.

2. Disable player restart to prevent the player from appearing over the application whilst you are working:

3. Click on the extensions tab and you will see the Display Monitor listed:

4. Click on Display Monitor and then click Settings, the Display Monitor configuration window will be displayed:

5. The Display Monitor will attempt to detect the display manufacturer you are using, you can change this behavior by clicking on Auto Detect, Edit and then select your display manufacturer from the list of supported manufacturers.

6. Select the monitoring and control options from the options presented in the window including Monitor display input and Monitor power status.

7. Add a power management schedule by clicking on Add. Select the days of the week and the power-on and power-off times and then click OK.

8. Restart the DS Agent application and your display will now be controlled by the agent according to your power schedule.