
To access User Administration, click on the Admin tab in the toolbar and then click on the User Administration icon.

The User Administration page will list your User Groups and Users in a hierarchy. The default group is called All Users and this group is selected when you access the User Administration Page.  You will notice that current group is shown with an indented background in the navigation bar:

Click on a group icon to open that group and view the users contained therein.

User Rights and User Groups

User rights are allocated to user groups and not to users individually, to have specific rights a user must belong to a group that has those rights allocated to it.  Note that a user may only belong to one group and whilst it is possible to create groups within groups, a sub group does not inherit the rights of it's parent group. 

To create a user group, click on the  Add User Group icon:

Enter the name of the user group and then select the rights that will be assigned to users in this group:

Click OK to store the changes.  The new user group will be created and displayed in the User Administration page. You will need to click on the newly created group icon to add users to that group.

Adding Users

To add a user to a user group, click on the Add User icon:

Enter the users email address and full name and then select the media players and content that the user will have access to. You can restrict a user within a specific library or group of players on your network by changing the Player Group and Content Library settings:

In the example above, the user will only have access to the media players located in the New York office, and will only have access to the content in the library called Lobby.  You can also restrict a user to a group of playlists as opposed to have access to all playlists.

Select the alert types that the user will receive email alerts for and then click OK to store the changes. An email with the users password will be generated and sent to the specified email address.